Alan Moore | MJMK's ACG
This is a criticism and review site about ACG. Since the author is so whimsical, readers may find the blog spans over many different fields, from the most known anime series to some potty little work. Enjoy yourself here!
Posts tagged "Alan Moore"
V for Vendetta | 边看边写 A2

V for Vendetta | 边看边写 A2

本次的边看边写包括V for Vendetta, DC, 1990年版第15页到第30页(包括Chap.1的结尾,Chap.2和Chap.3)的内容。
V for Vendetta | 边看边写 A1

V for Vendetta | 边看边写 A1

阿兰摩尔是现代漫画史中不可绕过的人,其最为出名的两部政治漫画:《Watchman》和《V for Vendetta》对此贡献不少。这两部作品使用大量暗喻融合了各种现代政治议题,被他人反复引用。本次的边看边写包括V for Vendetta, DC, 1990年版第一页到第十四页(包括序言)的内容。