little lulu | MJMK's ACG
This is a criticism and review site about ACG. Since the author is so whimsical, readers may find the blog spans over many different fields, from the most known anime series to some potty little work. Enjoy yourself here!
Posts tagged "little lulu"
Underground comix | Wiki

Underground comix | Wiki

wiki词条Underground comix(地下漫画)的翻译。地下漫画意指不受Comic Code Authority(CCA)约束,在1968~1975年间的美国和1973~1974年间的英国流行的非主流漫画。
Underground Comix | D. KITCHEN

Underground Comix | D. KITCHEN

Underground Comix词条的补充资料。整理并摘录了媒体对地下漫画出版人兼漫画家Denis Kitchen采访的部分内容,以充实读者对60-70年代的美国漫画界的了解。