Ralph Bakshi | MJMK's ACG
This is a criticism and review site about ACG. Since the author is so whimsical, readers may find the blog spans over many different fields, from the most known anime series to some potty little work. Enjoy yourself here!
Posts tagged "Ralph Bakshi"
American Pop | 动荡的心

American Pop | 动荡的心

『American Pop』是Bakashi的动画电影里,故事内容和艺术表现力最漂亮的一部。内容依旧涉及他熟悉的暴力和地下文化,却没了以往的低俗质感。所有被中和和掩饰的悲伤之下依然清晰可见的血脉传承,超越了传统的子承父业的浅薄范畴。
Fire and Ice | Bakshi的动作巅峰

Fire and Ice | Bakshi的动作巅峰

Ralph Bakshi使用由Fleischer兄弟在1917年开创的rotoscoping技术节约成本,在live action的基础上创作动画从而实现更强的画面写实感。在《Fire and Ice》中,由于Frank Frazetta出色的画功加成,本片达到了了不起的写实动作效果。