公益广告可以做成什么样,Santa Maria动画小组为英国慈善组织Ronald McDonald House Charities制作的公益宣传片或许是个很好的例子:要领鲜明、主题温馨、简单易懂,短短2分半,不仅展现了RMHC的优良传统及高尚目标,还有效的让观众感同身受,愿意慷慨解囊。希望该短片的思路为更多慈善募集类短片提供借鉴。

客户RMHC是英国一个专门在医院附近给幼儿病患家属建造住房以提供方便的慈善机构,成立至今已20年,这个短片名为Better Together是为该组织制作的宣传短片。


该部分所配台词(个人听译,可能有误):Things are better when they be with the things they should be with, specially when they are not feeling well. If your little one was ill, they may be sent to a special hospital far across the country. You won’t want them to face it alone; you would want to be there with them, round the clock. That’s why, 20 years ago, some good folk came together, and with determination and hard work. The first Ronnald Mcdonald house was built in 1990. Right next to guys is Thomas Hospital, Landon


该段台词:Lots of good things came together and created home way from home commendation, a family, seriously ill children. So if a little one has to stay in hospital for a month or then, families do not need to travel a long distance to be with them, or find somewhere to sleep. Because as we know, things get better when they close to the things they love. And children do better when families are near, to laugh together, to cry together, to play together, to be together. (Child) And seeing your family more means more presents.


该段台词:Our RMHC receive special donations from you really generous folk. And together with the thousands of coins given everyday, it has been possible to build a further 11 Ronnald Mcdonald houses:Livepool, Glasgow,Oxford, Basildon, Brighton, Southampton and Bristol and four more in London, which is fantastic. So that’s over 350 belts filled every single night of a year. So families can be close and sharing experiences with other families. Over the years, we helped a lots of people. But we won’t stop here. We have plans for 260 bedroom houses in Birmingham and Manchester. But to build these and to realize all our plans, we needs to raise 33 million pounds. So that families can be together at the time they need each other most. Things get better when they with the things they love and we can get better with your help.

个人认为该短片之所以称得上成功的宣传,是因为整体内容非常人性化,一切从观众出发,通过强调传统的社会价值,让可能的捐赠者相信这个计划也是他/她的福利,他/她在委托一个可靠的机构来运行。艺术表现方面,色彩多元,融有不同的民族特色,富于装饰效果但不繁复,总体讲算不错的。公益广告往往会拍的很教条,在借用传统上给出的理由也总是缺乏说服力,Better Together或许能给更多的公益广告带来一些启示。国内的公益广告,近几年也有起色。预防甲流的这则广告是制作较好的,一并提供在线观看,请大家自己去评价。

优酷地址:Better Together 预防甲流