Michael Deforge | MJMK's ACG
This is a criticism and review site about ACG. Since the author is so whimsical, readers may find the blog spans over many different fields, from the most known anime series to some potty little work. Enjoy yourself here!
Posts tagged "Michael Deforge"
漫书手札 37札

漫书手札 37札

本期手札包括:01.推理专家,民俗学者八云树;02. Black River;03.守护神传奇;04. 沙流罗。没有特别推荐的,但是除了02,都可以一看。
Ant Colony | 他们就是蚂蚁

Ant Colony | 他们就是蚂蚁

Alternative Comix新秀Michael Deforge的漫画Ant Colony以色彩绚丽的绘画,讲述了奇异的蚂蚁群落中发生的故事,其实处处都能对应到人类身上。人类与蚂蚁究竟相差多远呢?